Macomb Farmer’s Market

Chandler Park Macomb, IL, United States

The Macomb Farmers Market provides a place for vendors to sell their products. A variety…

Nature Makers: Felted Wool Pumpkin

Lakeview Nature Center 10050 N 1500th Rd, Macomb, IL, United States

In this workshop, we’ll walk through a series of simple steps as we learn how…

Macomb Farmer’s Market

Chandler Park Macomb, IL, United States

The Macomb Farmers Market provides a place for vendors to sell their products. A variety…

World War II Live History Exhibit

1800 E. University Drive Macomb, IL, United States

Mark your calendars for this FREE event, open to the public and school groups alike! Interact…

Cooking Course: Spanish Cuisine

Spoon River Outreach Center 2500 E. Jackson St. , Macomb, IL, United States

This class will cover why certain ingredients are common within Spanish food and the difference…

Illinois Bats: Facts and Myths

Argyle Lake State Park 640 Argyle Park Rd. , Colchester, IL, United States

Illinois Bats: Facts and Myths Friday, October 18, 2024 – 6:00-7:30 p.m. Join us at…

Macomb Farmer’s Market

Chandler Park Macomb, IL, United States

The Macomb Farmers Market provides a place for vendors to sell their products. A variety…

Angel Dash

Chandler Park Macomb, IL, United States

Memorial Walk/Run for babies gone too soon. With Memorial to follow

Moonlight Meander

Lakeview Nature Center 10050 N 1500th Rd, Macomb, IL, United States

Together we'll celebrate the arrival of Autumn! We'll fill the evening with engaging learning stations,…

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